Message from the President
Hello Members,
October 15, Ambulatory Care Day 2020, comes with a changed landscape. COVID 19 has arrived and changed how we deliver care, travel, and spend time with our loved ones. It has highlighted the discrepancies in healthcare provision, the vulnerability of those in our long-term care institutions and supply – chain issues. Through it all, Healthcare Providers have continued to provide care to patients, clients and providing for our families, friends and communities. It has not been easy and at times, we have been ill and needed to stop to care for ourselves.
Please know that the CAAC is been here to support you with advice for your clinical questions and a listening ear when you just need to talk. Please do not hesitate to contact us at:
On Ambulatory Care Day, although we live and practice in different times take a moment to celebrate the work you do and your commitment to patient care. You are appreciated and we the board members of CAAC thank you and wish you well.
Stay Safe!
Sherrol Palmer Wickham