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Inside Toronto – Ambulatory Care Association Holds Conference in Scarborough

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A nurse has brought together health care practitioners in an effort to improve services for ambulatory care patients.

Denyse Henry, a Scarborough resident and patient care manager at Sunnybrook hospital, established the Canadian Association of Ambulatory Care in March.

Recently, the organization held its first conference in Scarborough. About 150 health care practitioners attended.

Ambulatory care is when medical treatment is delivered on an outpatient basis, meaning the patient doesn’t stay in a hospital overnight.

“We all know that services in ambulatory care settings has now become the preferred standard for care. It is primarily driven by advances in research and practices,” Henry told conference attendees.

“Providing services on an ambulatory basis when indicated is better both physically and emotionally for our patients, and of course it is also more cost effective on the healthcare system.”

Henry said she established the CAAC to “bring a stronger voice to ambulatory patient care.”

Keynote speaker Dr. Jocelyn Charles stressed healthcare providers need to communicate with each other to ensure patients’ information is transmitted effectively from one provider to another…

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